Monday, March 18, 2013

Conceptual Collage Models

In this assignment we were tasked to create 3 models for each of our 3 collages.Each of my collages model have a 3"x 3" base and constructed from a wide variety of materials such as wood, Brillo pad, wood dowels, plexiglass etc.

(From Left to right) The first model is my first impression that i received when i first visited the area, which represents "Happy Or Sad." I showed that one side of the board is very alive and vibrant, while the other side is clear and nothing interesting to look at. The second model represents empty, because i didn't know what to expect and what to feel about this particular area (Red hook). I wasn't particular sad but just empty inside and disconnected from the surroundings,because of what i saw. I tried to showed the emptiness and disconnect with the wood and the wrapping of the brown material to illustrate how the weather was on the day i visited (Windy & rainy). The final model shows how much the area is polluted with garbage and old/worn out. The Brillo pad represents the garbage pollution in the area and rust on the pad shows the wreck rusty ships, buildings and vehicles.

Impression Collage & 3d Models


  (From Left to right) The first model in the set basically represents the connection of people holding hands, which shows unity and a bond. In the second model i tried to show the connection between people and spaces in a building. The small cubes represents the spaces and the long stick act as a string that pulls everything together. I wanted to show the circulation path that people take to view a particular space or area and link between two spaces. The third and final model shows the connection with people and the chain to illustrate that something that relates or of the same type can make a connection.

Connection Collage & 3d Models


(From Left to right) The first model was influenced by the sail of a boat. I wanted to incorporate that part of the ship in my design because of the location of the site and based on the history of Red hook. The second model I tried to show a relationship between the land water and the sail of the boat. In this way i will have a space in my building that connects the water and a outdoor patio/green space. The final 3d model I'm showing the geometry of the boat as shapes that can create a separation in my exhibition spaces.

Program Collage & 3d Models

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